24/7 access to the full video library of over 100 yoga practices, yoga nidra meditations, & therapy ball self-massage class videos for just $20/mo.
Rent a single class video with access for 1 week. Choose the practice that suits your needs and honors what your body craves!
Class passes are flexible - to help you keep your practice consistent! 5- and 10-class passes can be used for single on-demand video rentals, as well as my in-studio classes at Midland Yoga Collective and corresponding Zoom option.
7-day access for all single rentals.
Included with Unlimited On-demand subscription.
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Looking for something specific today? Use the filters and search box to find something that suits your fancy! I'm also happy to give recommendations if you're unsure where to start.
Using a subscription or class pass? Make sure you're signed in for access.
Enjoy your embodied explorations of movement and mindfulness!
I am here for you if you have any questions or feedback along the way; you can email me anytime and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
[Please practice patience while the library loads down below]